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Absolute Maximum Ratings(N o te 1) Note 1: The “Absolute Maximum Ratings” are those values beyond which
the saf ety of the device cannot be guarante ed. The device s hould not be
operated at these limits. The parametric values defined in the Electrical
Characteristics tables are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum ratings.
The “Re comme nded Operat ing Co ndition s” table will define the cond itions
for actu al device operation.
Recommended Operating Conditions
Electrical Characteristics
over recommended operating free air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Switching Characteri stics
at VCC = 5V and TA = 25°C
Note 2: All typic als are at VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C.
Note 3: Not more than one output should be shorted at a time, and the duration should not exceed one second.
Supply Voltage 7V
Input Vol tag e 7V
Operating Free Air Temperature Range 0°C to +70°C
Storage Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C
Symbol Parameter Min Nom Max Units
VCC Supply Voltage 4.75 5 5.25 V
VIH HIGH Level Input Voltage 2 V
VIL LOW Level Input Voltage 0.8 V
IOH HIGH Level Output Current −0.4 mA
IOL LOW Level Ou tput Current 8 mA
TAFree Air Operating Temperature 0 70 °C
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 2)
VIInput Clamp Voltage VCC = Min, II = −18 mA −1.5 V
VOH HIGH Level VCC = Min, I OH = Max, 2.7 3.4 V
Output Voltage VIH = Min
VOL LOW Level VCC = Min, IOL = Max, 0.35 0.5
Output Voltage VIL = Max V
IOL = 4 mA, VCC = Min 0.25 0.4
IIInput Current @ Max Input Voltage VCC = Max, VI = 7V 0.1 mA
IIH HIGH Level Input Curre nt VCC = Max, VI = 2.7V 20 µA
IIL LOW Level Input Current VCC = Max, VI = 0.4V −0.36 mA
IOS Short Circuit Output Current VCC = Max (Note 3) −20 −100 mA
ICCH Supply Current with Outputs HIGH VCC = Max 2.4 4.8 mA
ICCL Supply Current with Outputs LOW VCC = Max 4.4 8.8 mA
RL = 2 kΩ
Symbol Parameter CL = 15 pF CL = 50 pF Units
tPLH Propagation Delay Time 4 13 6 18 ns
LOW-to-HIGH Level Output
tPHL Propagation Delay Time 311518ns
HIGH-to-LOW Level Output