PIDG (Pre-Insulated DIAMOND GRIP . tyca Terminals and Splices ANPP - Electronics Ring Tongue Terminals-Nyion (Continued) ry aye Material and Finish ma Insulation Nylon 7 i Terminal Body and Metallic Sleeve Copper per ASTM B-152 L c Plating Tin per ASTM B-545 E aa Military Specifications MS25036 (Continued) | | | | Tongue Di I Wire Part Numbe Wire Size mansions Terminal 525036 art Numbers Clreular Mils qiaterial Stud w c E L._ Insulation Insulation Class Dash Loose Tape [mr] Max. Min. Max. Max. Color Max. Numbers Place Mounted hoy | 250 171 575 703 150 " 4 635 434 1461 1786 Flue 3.81 182 182 924159 250 m1 _ a5 1074 375 3020 .893Ss*1.083 230 1&2 320568" = 5 953 7.67 2268 2751 Yellow 5.84 2 186 _ 3-320568-4 M4 . 375 = .302,s 893s 1,083 .250 t&2 35108 = 953 7.67 2268 27.51 Yellow 6.35 2 _ 156 eT e .375 302 893 1.083 .230 142 36161* = 10 9530767 32.68 27.51 Yellow 5.84 > ie _ BBB16T 2 375 .302 893 1.083 .250 1&2 35109" = 10 953 7.67 32.68 27.51 ~ Yellow 6.35 2 112 351084 12-10 .042 * _ 5,180-13, 700 Lo? 531 -468 1.054 1.322 Yellow 230 1&2 157 320569 [2.62-6.64] 14 18-490 11.89 26.77 33.58 5.84 2 2-320569-3 M6 . 531 AGB = 1.054 1.322 .250 t&2 35110 = 1349 11.89 26.77 33.68 Yellow 6.35 2 187 = 236110-1 531 468 1.054 1.322 Yetlow .230 142 114 320576" = sig 19-49 1189 26.77 33.58 5.84 2 _ 2-320576-1 MB 7 _ 531 4668 1.054 1,322 .250 182 35111 1349 11.89 26.77 33.59 Yellow 6.35 > 113 are TEE 593 531014115 1.414 Yellow -230 1&2 320577" = 15.06 1349 28.392 35.92 5.84 2 114 _ 2-320577-3 a8 593953111151. 250 . 15.06 13.49 28,32 36.92 Yellow 6.35 182 114 36142 - 2 715 +474. ~412,065 ~41.414 230 Mi2 18.16 12.04 27.05 3592 Yellow 5.84 2 158 52077 _ Available in small packaging quantities. Note: C dimension applies from edge of metal wire barrel to center of stud hole. Catalog 1308940 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA; 1-800-522-6752 South America: 5-11-3611-1514 Revised 5-03 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 _ are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967