External Visual No abnormal exterior appearance Microscope (´10)
Physical Dimensions Within the specified dimensions Using The calipers
Mechanical Shock Three shocks in each direction should be applied along
Capacitance Change : 3 mutually perpendicular axes of the test specimen (18 shocks)
within ±2.5% or ±0.25㎊ whichever is larger
Q, IR : initial spec.
Vibration 5g's for 20min., 12cycles each of 3 orientations,
Capacitance Change : Use 8"×5" PCB 0.031" Thick 7 secure points on one long side
within ±2.5% or ±0.25㎊ whichever is larger and 2 secure points at corners of opposite sides. Parts mounted
Q, IR : initial spec. within 2" from any secure point. Test from 10~2000㎐.
Resistance to Solder pot : 260±5℃, 10±1sec.
Solder Heat Capacitance Change :
within ±2.5% or ±0.25㎊ whichever is larger
Q, IR : initial spec.
Thermal Shock -55℃/+125℃.
Capacitance Change : Note: Number of cycles required-300,
within ±2.5% or ±0.25㎊ whichever is larger Maximum transfer time-20 sec, Dwell time-15min. Air-Air
Q, IR : initial spec.
ESD AEC-Q200-002
Capacitance Change :
within ±2.5% or ±0.25㎊ whichever is larger
Q, IR : initial spec.
Solderability 95% of the terminations is to be soldered a) Preheat at 155℃ for 4 hours, Immerse in solder for 5s at 245±5℃
evenly and continuously b) Steam aging for 8 hours, Immerse in solder for 5s at 245±5℃
c) Steam aging for 8 hours, Immerse in solder for 120s at 260±5℃
solder : a solution ethanol and rosin
Electrical Capacitance : Within specified tolerance The Capacitance /Q should be measured at 25℃,
Characterization Q : 1000 max. 1㎒±10%, 0.5~5Vrms
IR(25℃) : More than 100,000㏁ or 1,000㏁×㎌I.R. should be measured with a DC voltage not exceeding
IR(125℃) : More than10,000㏁ or 100㏁×㎌Rated Voltage @25℃, @125℃ for 60~120 sec.
Whichever is Smaller Dielectric Strength : 250% of the rated voltage for 1~5 seconds
Dielectric Strength
Board Flex Bending to the limit (3㎜) for 5 seconds
Capacitance Change :
within ±5.0% or ±0.5㎊ whichever is larger
Terminal 18N, for 60±1 sec.
Strength(SMD) Capacitance Change :
within ±2.5% or ±0.25㎊ whichever is larger
Beam Load Destruction value should not be exceed Beam speed
Chip Length < 2.5㎜0.5±0.05㎜/sec
a) Chip Thickness > 0.5㎜ : 20N
b) Chip Thickness ≤ 0.5㎜ : 8N
Temperature C0G
Characterisitcs (From -55℃ to 125℃, Capacitance change shoud be within ±30PPM/℃)
C. Recommended Soldering method :
Reflow ( Reflow Peak Temperature : 260+0/-5℃, 10sec. Max )
Meet IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 D Standard
* For the more detail Specification, Please refer to the Samsung MLCC catalogue.
Appearance : No abnormal exterior appearance
0.5ms Half sine 4.7m/sec.
Appearance : No abnormal exterior appearance
Appearance : No abnormal exterior appearance
Appearance : No abnormal exterior appearance
Duration Wave
Appearance : No abnormal exterior appearance
Appearance : No abnormal exterior appearance
Appearance : No abnormal exterior appearance
Test condition