CONNECTORS & CABLES FOR THERMOCOUPLES & RESISTANCE THERMOMETERS Europe's leading manufacturer of connectors and supplier of cables for thermocouples and resistance thermometers. THERMOCOUPLE & RESISTANCE THERMOMETER CONNECTORS MINIATURE PLUGS & SOCKETS Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & Copper Range of miniature thermocouple connectors with flat pins having terminal and contact material to suit the thermocouple type Socket ideal for general purpose use All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connection Connectors will accept thermocouple cable up to 4mm diameter Cable clamps available for securing cable to plugs and sockets Uncompensated copper connectors also available Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C Wide range of accessories available, see page 5 MINIATURE TWIN CONTACT SOCKET Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & Copper CONTENTS Range of miniature thermocouple sockets with "Twin Contacts" designed for applications requiring duty cycle use All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connection Connectors will accept thermocouple cable up to 4mm diameter Cable clamps available for securing cable to socket Uncompensated copper connectors also available Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C Wide range of accessories available, see page 5 MINIATURE QUICK WIRE PLUGS & SOCKETS Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & Copper Miniature Plugs and Sockets....................2 Standard Plugs and Sockets ....................4 Connector Accessories ...............................5 Cables ...........................................................6 Thermocouple Wire Welder......................8 Fine Wire Thermocouples..........................8 Thermocouple Cable Colour Codes .........9 Cable Tidy, Spade Terminals & Solder ...9 Thermocouple Cable Accuracies ..............9 Other Labfacility Products ......................10 These quick connect versions allow rapid termination Quick, easy "jab-in" connection, just push in wire and tighten screw Will accept wide range of wire sizes Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C Compatible with the other miniature plugs and sockets 2 J K T N E R S Cu THERMOCOUPLE & RESISTANCE THERMOMETER CONNECTORS MINIATURE RECTANGLAR PANEL MOUNTING FASCIA SOCKETS Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & Copper MINIATURE PCB MOUNTING SOCKET TYPES K,T & Copper Versatile, high quality, circuit board mounting miniature socket Specially designed for PCBs Solid pins for direct PCB mounting Provision for CJC sensor Compatible with flow soldering assembly Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C MINIATURE HIGH TEMPERATURE, PLASTIC PLUGS AND SOCKETS Types J & K Clip mounting Quick, simple fixing to panel, see page 5 Maximum continuous operating temperature 120C MINIATURE PANEL SOCKET WITH MOUNTING BRACKET Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & Copper TYPE J K T N E R/S Copper SOCKET IM-J-SSPF IM-K-SSPF IM-T-SSPF IM-N-SSPF IM-E-SSPF IM-R-SSPF FMTC-CU-SSPF All connectors have type identification on body High temperature polyester bodies for use up to 425C All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connection For R,S & B compensating alloys limit the maximum usable temperature to 260C MINIATURE VERY HIGH TEMPERATURE, CERAMIC PLUGS & SOCKETS Types J,K & N Miniature socket fitted with stainless steel bracket Fully enclosed terminals with cable port seal Quick simple fixing to panel Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C MINIATURE QUICK WIRE PANEL SOCKET WITH MOUNTING BRACKET Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & Copper TYPE J K T N E R/S Copper IM-J-SSPFQ IM-K-SSPFQ IM-T-SSPFQ IM-N-SSPFQ IM-E-SSPFQ IM-R-SSPFQ FMTC-CU-SSPFQ Miniature socket with quick wire facility - fitted with stainless steel mounting bracket Quick, easy "jab-in" connection, just push in wire and tighten screw These quick connect versions allow rapid termination Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C Heavy duty ceramic body for use up to 560C All connectors are coloured white with type identification on body For types R,S & B compensating alloys limit the maximum usable temperature to 260C CABLE TIDY THERMOCOUPLE WITH FITTED MINIATURE PLUG A complete, precision fine wire, high sensitivity thermocouple See page 9 J K T N E R S Cu 3 THERMOCOUPLE & RESISTANCE THERMOMETER CONNECTORS STANDARD PLUGS & SOCKETS Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & copper TYPE J K T N E R/S COPPER PLUG IS-J-M IS-K-M IS-T-M IS-N-M IS-E-M IS-R-M FSTC-CU-M SOCKET IS-J-F IS-K-F IS-T-F IS-N-F IS-E-F IS-R-F FSTC-CU-F A range of standard sized connectors with round pins to suit the thermocouple type being used Intended for use in more industrial applications Plugs fitted with solid thermocouple pins All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connection Cable clamps available for securing cable Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C Wide range of accessories available, see page 5 PLUG IS-J-MQ IS-K-MQ IS-T-MQ IS-N-MQ IS-E-MQ IS-R-MQ FSTC-CU-MQ TYPE J K T N E R/S COPPER STANDARD QUICK WIRE PLUGS & SOCKETS Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & copper TYPE J K T N E R/S COPPER STANDARD RECTANGULAR PANEL MOUNTING FASCIA SOCKETS Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & copper Quick, simple fixing to panel, see page 5 Clip mounting Maximum continuous operating temperature 120C STANDARD PANEL OR QUICK WIRE SOCKET WITH MOUNTING BRACKET Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & copper Fully enclosed Quick wire TYPE SOCKET (Quick Wire) J IS-J-SSPF IS-J-SSPFQ K IS-K-SSPF IS-K-SSPFQ T IS-T-SSPF IS-T-SSPFQ N IS-N-SSPF IS-N-SSPFQ E IS-E-SSPF IS-E-SSPFQ R/S IS-R-SSPF IS-R-SSPFQ COPPER FSTC-CU-SSPF FSTC-CU-SSPFQ SOCKET IS-J-FQ IS-K-FQ IS-T-FQ IS-N-FQ IS-E-FQ IS-R-FQ FSTC-CU-FQ Physically compatible with alternative standard, round pin connectors These quick connect versions allow rapid termination Quick easy "jab-in" connection, just push in wire and tighten screw Plugs fitted with solid thermocouple pins Suits wide range of wire sizes Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C PLUG SOCKET IS-J-MD IS-J-FD IS-K-MD IS-K-FD IS-T-MD IS-T-FD IS-N-MD IS-N-FD IS-E-MD IS-E-FD IS-R-MD IS-R-FD FSTC-CU-MD FSTC-CU-FD SOCKET Standard sockets with fully enclosed terminals and cable port seal, fitted with stainless steel bracket Standard quick wire sockets fitted with stainless steel bracket Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C STANDARD HIGH TEMPERATURE PLASTIC PLUGS AND SOCKETS Types J & K TYPE J K STANDARD DUPLEX PLUGS AND SOCKETS Types J,K,T,N,E,R/S & copper TYPE J K T N E R/S COPPER SOCKET IS-J-FF IS-K-FF IS-T-FF IS-N-FF IS-E-FF IS-R-FF FSTC-CU-FF PLUG SOCKET IS-J-M-HTP IS-J-F-HTP IS-K-M-HTP IS-K-F-HTP High temperature polyester bodies for use up to 425C All contacts are polarised to ensure correct connection For R,S & B compensating alloys limit the maximum usable temperature to 260C Hollow pins in plug STANDARD VERY HIGH TEMPERATURE CERAMIC PLUGS & SOCKETS Types J,K & N TYPE J K N Duplex (Two channel) connectors using thermocouple material contacts and pins Bodies supplied coloured black with spacer in IEC thermocouple colour coding Plugs fitted with solid thermocouple pins Rugged glass filled polyester bodies All contacts are polarized to ensure correct connection Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C Wide range of accessories available, see page 5 PLUG IS-J-M-HTC IS-K-M-HTC IS-N-M-HTC SOCKET IS-J-F-HTC IS-K-F-HTC IS-N-F-HTC Heavy duty ceramic body for use up to 560C All connectors supplied coloured white with coloured dot on body For types R,S & Cu compensating alloys limit the maximum usable temperature to 260C 4 J K T N E R S Cu CONNECTOR ACCESSORIES PLUG & SOCKET CRIMP ON BRASS PROBE SUPPORTS, MINIATURE & STANDARD To suit 1.5mm & 3.0mm (Blank fittings available for other sizes) SIZE 0.5mm 1.0mm 1.5mm 2.0mm 3.0mm 4.5mm 6.0mm Blank Miniature CA-160 CA-161 CA-162 POA CA-163 - - CA-033 PANELS FOR MINIATURE FASCIA SOCKETS (Type FF) Standard - CA-171 CA-172 CA-176 CA-173 CA-175 CA-174 CA-105 4 - Holes o 3.2mm 5mm 5mm PLUG & SOCKET BRAZE ON BRASS PROBE SUPPORTS, STANDARD SIZE 1.5mm 3.0mm WAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 24 Thickness: 1.8mm PART NO CA-001 CA-002 CA-003 CA-004 CA-005 CA-006 CA-007 CA-008 CA-009 CA-010 CA-011 CA-012 CA-013 Formula for dimension: Length = (N x15) + 25mm (N= Number of ways per row) Height = 45mm (single row), 75mm (Double row) Up to 12 ways in a single row, 16 to 24 ways in two rows Standard CA-062 CA-064 PANELS FOR STANDARD FASCIA SOCKETS (Type FF) To suit 1.5mm & 3.0mm PLUG & SOCKET COMPRESSION CABLE CLAMP, STANDARD WAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 24 Standard CA-075 4 - Holes o 3.2mm 5mm 5mm PLUG & SOCKET EXTERNAL CABLE CLAMPS MINIATURE AND STANDARD Miniature CA-087 Standard CA-076 PLUG & SOCKET EXTERNAL CABLE CLAMP, DUPLEX Thickness: 2.4mm Formula for dimensions: Length = (Nx19) + 31mm (N = number of ways per row) Height = 66mm (single row), 111mm (Double row) Up to 12 ways in a single row, 16 to 24 ways in two rows TERMINAL BLOCKS FOR IN-HEAD MOUNTING Types J,K,T & copper Standard CA-077 TYPE J K T COPPER PLUG & SOCKET BRAZE ON PROBE SUPPORT, DUPLEX SIZE 3.0mm 4.5mm 6.0mm Standard CA-072 CA-073 CA-074 SIMPLEX HT-053 HT-058 HT-050 N/A DUPLEX HT-056 HT-059 HT-054 Colour coded terminal blocks are for in-head mounting Connections made from thermocouple material Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C Available as Simplex or Duplex BARRIER TERMINAL BLOCKS Types J,K,T,R/S & copper TYPES J K T R/S COPPER To suit 3.0mm, 4.5mm & 6.0mm PLUG & SOCKET CABLE STRAIN RELIEF WASHER, MINIATURE & STANDARD Miniature CA-060 PART NO CA-014 CA-015 CA-016 CA-017 CA-018 CA-019 CA-020 CA-021 CA-022 CA-023 CA-024 CA-025 CA-026 Standard CA-061 Supplied in packs of 100 Material: Silicone rubber CA-151 CA-135 CA-136 CA-137 CA-138 Colour coded barrier terminal blocks Supplied in single interlocking pairs Connections in thermocouple material Maximum continuous operating temperature 220C J K T N E R S Cu 5 PVC INSULATED, FLAT PAIR Types J,K,T,N,Vx,E & U Single pair of solid or stranded conductors PVC insulated Laid flat side by side & PVC sheathed Tolerance class 2 Insulation Rating -10C to 105C IEC colour coded PVC INSULATED, MYLAR SCREENED Types J,K,T,N & Vx Single pair of stranded conductors PVC insulated Screened with Mylar Tape and bare copper drain wire Overall PVC sheath Tolerance class 2 Insulation Rating -10C to 105C IEC Colour coded PFA/PTFE INSULATED, FLAT PAIR Types J,K,T & N 6 Single pair of solid or stranded conductors PFA or PTFE insulated Laid flat side by side PFA or PTFE Overall sheathed Tolerance Class 1 Insulation Rating -75C to 260C IEC Colour coded PFA/PTFE INSULATED, TWIN TWISTED PAIR Types J,K,T & N Single pair of solid or stranded conductors PFA or PTFE Insulated Tolerance Class 1 Insulation Rating -75C to 260C IEC Colour coded GLASSFIBRE INSULATED, FLAT PAIR, STAINLESS STEEL OVERBRAID Types J,K,T & N Single & Duplex pair of stranded conductors Glassfibre insulated Laid flat side by side & glassfibre braided Impregnated with silicone varnish Stainless steel braided overall Tolerance Class 2 Insulation Rating -60C to +350/400C IEC Colour coded COPPER CABLES FOR USE WITH RESISTANCE THERMOMETER SENSORS Copper cables for use with platinum PTFE INSULATED, FINE GAUGE WIRE Types J,K & T Single wire PTFE Insulated 15m spools of single strand Tolerance Class 2 Insulation Rating -75C to 260C IEC & ANSI (C96) Colour coded Resistance Thermometers & most process signals 1,2,3,4 & 6 cores available Screened and Unscreened Overall Stainless Steel Braided Available Core insulation colours red/white GLASSFIBRE INSULATED, FLAT PAIR Types J,K,T,N & E Single pair of solid or stranded conductors Glassfibre Insulated Laid flat side by side & glassfibre braided overall Impregnated with silicone varnish Tolerance Class 2 Insulation Rating -60C to +350/400C IEC Colour coded POLYURETHANE EXTENDING, COILED Types K & T Excellent coil retention Single pair of stranded conductors Polyurethane insulated Tolerance Class 2 Insulation rating -25C to +125C IEC colour coded Other thermocouple types available Available unterminated or with fitted miniature or standard plug &/or socket 7 THERMOCOUPLE & RESISTANCE THERMOMETER CABLE PRODUCTS L60+ THERMOCOUPLE WIRE AND FINE WIRE WELDER Welded tip thermocouple codes Designed for producing Codes thermocouple junctions Welder IL-070 Suitable for wires up to 1.1mm Pkt 5 spare electrodes IL-015 diameter Argon gas shield facility Can join wires to each other or metal surfaces Includes footswitch for convenient operation Comes with 1 electrode fitted & 1 spare 110/230Vac Power supply Glassfibre Insulated Code Type Type Type Type Z3-J-2 Z3-K-1 Z3-K-2 Z3-T-2 J, 2m K, 1m K, 2m T, 2m PFA/PTFE Insulated Type Type Type Type K, 1m K, 2m T, 1m T, 2m Z2-K-1 Z2-K-2 Z2-T-1 Z2-T-2 EXPOSED, WELDED TIP THERMOCOUPLES WITH FITTED MINI-PLUGS PFA/PTFE Types J,K & T, PFA/PTFE insulated thermocouple wire with welded junction and fitted miniature plug Specifications EXPOSED WELDED TIP THERMOCOUPLES Sensor type Thermocouple type J,K or T to IEC 60584. Exposed, Welded junction. Tip temperature Rating -75C to 250C (limited by PFA/PTFE insulation properties) Also known as naked bead, fine-wire & exposed junction thermocouples Wire type Twin, twist pair, PFA/PTFE insulated over 1/0.2mm conductors Termination Colour coded miniature plug Dimensions & Codes Welded tip, exposed junction, fast response thermocouples in types J,K &T Specifications Sensor Type Thermocouple type J,K or T to IEC 60584. Exposed welded junction PFA/PTFE insulated, 250C. Fibreglass insulation, 350C Glassfibre (silicone varnished) or PFA/PTFE Bare wire tails Operating Temperature Insulation Termination Type Code Type Type J x 1m Z2-J-1-MP Type J x 2m Code Z2-J-2-MP Type K x 1m Z2-K-1-MP Type K x 2m Z2-K-2-MP Type T x 1m Z2-T-1-MP Type T x 2m Z2-T-2-MP EXPOSED, WELDED TIP THERMOCOUPLE WITH FITTED MINI-PLUGS, GLASSFIBRE Types J & K, Glassfibre insulated thermocouple wire with welded junction and fitted miniature plug Specifications Glassfibre Insulated Type J Type K Type T Specifications Wire diameter 1/0.315mm 1/0.315mm 1/0.315mm Sensor Type Overall diameter 1.5mm 1.5mm 1.5mm Thermocouple type J or K to IEC60584. Exposed, welded junction. Temperature range -50C to +350C -50C to +350C -50C to +350C Tip temperature Rating Positive leg Iron Nickel chromium Copper -50C to +350C (limited by glassfibre insulation properties) Negative leg Constantan Nickel aluminium Constantan Wire type Flat pair, silicone varnished glassfibre insulated over 1/0.315mm conductors 1/02mm 1/02mm Termination Colour coded miniature plug PFA/PTFE Insulated Wire diameter Overall diameter - 1.3mm 1.3mm Dimension & Codes Temperature range - -50C to +250C -50C to 250C Type Code Type Code Positive leg - Nickel Chromium Copper Negative leg - Nickel aluminium Constantan Type J x 1m Type K x 1m Z3-J-1-MP Z3-K-1-MP Type J x 2m Type K x 2m Z3-J-2-MP Z3-K-2-MP 8 Type J Type K Type T Type N Type E Type R Type S CABLE TIDY THERMOCOUPLE WITH FITTED MINIATURE PLUG A complete, precision fine wire, high sensitivity thermocouple with a fitted miniature connector Quick and easy integral storage of the thermocouple Type K & T thermocouples, 1 & 2m lengths Class 1 wire for high accuracy PFA/PTFE insulated wire, 0.2 & 0.315mm conductors Rated 220C continuous Ideal & convenient for scientific and industrial test & measurement THERMOCOUPLE SPADE TERMINALS Types J,K,T,R/S & copper These crimp-on spade terminals use compatible thermocouple material, with the identifying code stamped on, and are available in nickelchromium, nickel-aluminium, iron, constantan, copper and copper-nickel. They will accommodate wire sizes between 0.5 and 1mm diameter (25-19 SWG, area 0.2 to 0.65mm2), and will fit the terminal barrier strips. Note: Copper and copper Nickel (Alloy 11) are used as compensating materials for Platinum, Platinum/Rhodium, types R & S. SOLDER FOR TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE WIRE Alloy 450 Tin / Lead Silver 0.5kg / 90mtrs Availability subject to future legislation LABFACILITY TEMPERATURE HANDBOOK The Labfacility Temperature Handbook provides comprehensive data on thermocouple wire and cables, and thermocouple and PRT sensors. Temperature measurement and control techniques are also explained. Can be requested via our website PRODUCT FOCUS - LABFACILITY RANGE AT A GLANCE EUROPE'S LARGEST RANGE OF TEMPERATURE SENSORS Industrial & laboratory thermocouple & PRT probes in configurations to suit any application, ranges from -200C to 1700C Custom design versions available Transmitter-in-head options Pt100 elements & thermistors Probe fittings & accessories THE BEST IN THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTORS Full range of thermocouple connectors - high quality plugs and sockets in IEC 60584, ANSI, JIS, and other colours Comprehensive range of fittings and accessories including mounting panels All in this brochure WIDE RANGE OF HIGH QUALITY THERMOCOUPLE & PRT CABLES Extension and compensating cables - a wide range of insulation types and configurations in IEC 60584 and BS 1843 colours including PFA, PTFE, PVC and fibreglass All in this brochure MARKET LEADING TEMPERATURE & PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION Precision digital thermometers Multi function digital thermometers Calibrators Multi-way switches Transmitters Controllers & Indicators Loggers and Scanners Digital test Meters EQUIPMENT & COMPONENT PARTS FOR SENSOR MANUFACTURERS Compact thermocouple welder and microwelder MI cables, stainless steel sheaths, pots and fittings Terminal heads & blocks VERSATILE DRY BLOCK CALIBRATORS Accurate, stable portable calibrators for -10C to 1200C to suit industrial & scientific temperature sensors UKAS TRACEABLE CALIBRATIONS Certified probe calibrations between -10C and 1200C And our indispensable Temperature handbook 10 LABFACILITY - LEADERS IN TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT Labfacility market leading products represent more than thirty years of design and applications experience in industrial and laboratory, temperature and process measurement. Labfacility products and services are specified by leading UK and European distributors and manufacturers and are also exported to more than 85 countries. Quality and Service are key elements in the continued growth of Labfacility; technical support is always freely available from our experienced technical sales teams and the company has ISO9001 accreditation. Not only do we manufacture temperature sensors and fittings, thermocouple connectors, precision electronic thermometers and thermocouple welders, we also supply thermocouple cables, temperature transmitters, hand held digital thermometers and test instruments, dry block calibrators, loggers, scanners and temperature controllers. LABFACILITY - MANUFACTURER AND STOCKIST Applications and Industries include: Autoclaves Aerospace Automotive & Motorsport Education Energy Food Heat Treatment Medical Metallurgy Meteorology Metrology, In particular, R&D, Temperature Calibration, Laboratory and Quality Control departments. Plastics & Rubber Power Generation SOUTHERN UK & EXPORT DIVISION: Units 5,6 & 7, Block K, Southern Cross Industrial Estate, Shripney Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 9SD Export Sales: tel: +44(0)1243 871287 fax: +44(0)1243 871281 email: Southern UK Sales: tel: +44(0)1243 871280 fax: +44(0)1243 871281 email: NORTHERN UK DIVISION: Units 7/8 Abbey Way, North Anston Trading Estate, Dinnington, Sheffield S25 4JL Northern UK Sales: tel: +44(0)1909 569446 fax: +44(0)1909 550632 email: